Youtube Copyright School , Youtube Copyright School Quetions And Answers , Youtube Copyright School Quetions , Youtube Copyright School Answers , Youtube Copyright School Quetions And Answers 2020
Quetion 1: The following things are copyrightable: names, places, faces and spaces.
Quetion 2: The following item is protected by copyright:
Answer: Your original Youtube video
Quetion 3: If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.
Answer: (False)
Quetion 4: All uses of copyrighted content without permission of the owner are considered copyright infringement.
Quetion 5: If someone alleges that you have infringed their copyright, you will receive notification:
a) In your account
b) In your email
c) (Both A & B)
d) Via text message
Quetion 6: If you misuse YouTube’s counter-notificationIt’s possible
Your YouTube account will be terminated
Quetion 7: Its fine to use someone else’s content as long as it already appears on YouTube.
Quetion 8: It’s possible for music to have more than one copyright owner.
Quetion 9: If a video gets removed because of a copyright infringement notification, filing a counter-notification is the only possible way to restore the video.
Quetion 10: You should ask YouTube for permission to use other users’ content from the site.
Quetion 11: Creating 100% original new content for YouTube will help to protect you against claims of copyright infringement.
Quetion 12: Deleting a video that was removed for copyright will get rid of the associated copyright strike.
Quetion 13: It is impossible for a remix or mashup to infringe copyright.
Quetion 14: If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.
Quetion 15: As long as I have purchased the content in Question, it is not possible for me to infringe copyright by uploading it to YouTube.
Quetion 16: Its fine to use someone else’s content as long as it already appears on YouTube.
Quetion 17: Fair use” is a legal defense that applies in all countries.
Quetion 18: The following items are NOT protected by copyright:
Quetion 19: If content is available on the Internet, it is in the public domain and therefore okays to upload to YouTube.
Quetion 20: If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.
Quetion 21: If the original creator of the copyrighted work has died, the work is no longer protected by copyright.
Quetion 22: If you are found to be a repeat infringer, you could lose your YouTube account.
Quetion 23: If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.
Quetion 24: Anyone can issue a copyright claim on behalf of someone else.
Quetion 25: Copyright infringement can result in:
Quetion 26: As long as you have modified the original content in some way, such as in a remix, it is always a fair use of copyrighted material and you cannot be subject to claims of copyright infringement.
Quetion 27: In order to determine whether specific copyrighted content is authorized to be used on YouTube, you should upload it to your account and wait for the Content ID system to block any unauthorized content.
Quetion 28: Copyright infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is _______ without the permission
of the copyright owner:
a) Reproduced
b) Distributed
c) Performed
d) Publicly displayed
e) All of the above
Quetion 29: If I intentionally file a false notice of alleged copyright infringement against a YouTube video (just for fun, or to cause trouble), I could be found liable for any damages caused.
Quetion 30: Creating 100% original new content for YouTube will help to protect you against claims of copyright infringement.
Quetion 31: Copyright protects each of these individual rights. ”Fair use” is a legal defense that
applies in all countries.
Quetion 32: Uploading a video of myself recording my favourite cover song does not reuire the permission of the copyright holder.
Quetion 33: Giving credit to the creator in your video’s description is enough to prevent copyright infringement from occurring.
Quetion 34: Copyright infringement is a serious offense and violation of the law may have significant conseuences.
Quetion 35: It’s fine to use someone else’s content as long as it already appears on YouTube.
Quetion 36: If I intentionally file a false notice of alleged copyright infringement against a YouTube video (just for fun, or to cause trouble), I could be found liable for any damages caused.
Quetion 37: The following things are copyrightable: names, places, faces and spaces.
Quetion 38: Copyright infringement is a serious offense and violation of the law may have significant conseuences.
Quetion 39: Content that was once allowed by a content owner may be subsequently removed from YouTube.
Quetion 40: The following items may be protected by copyright:
All of the Above
Quetion 41: It is okay to upload an entire cartoon episode without the autorization of the copyright owner as long as I’m just sharing it with my friends. family and fans.
Quetion 42: If someone alleges that you have infringed their copyright and you are certain that this is no the case, you may:
File a counter-notification
Quetion 43: Copyright protection is only given to major film, television or recording corporations who pay for the privilege.
Quetion 44: If a video gets removed because of a copyright infringement notification, filing a counter-notification is the only possible way to restore the video.
Quetion 45: Creating 100% original new content for YouTube will help to protect you against claims of copyright infringement.
Quetion 46: Deleting a video that was removed for copyright will get rid of the associated copyright strike.
Quetion 47: If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement:
Quetion 48: As long as you have modified the original content in some way, such as in a remix, it is always a fair use of copyrighted material and you cannot be subject to claims of copyright infringement.
Quetion 49: Copyright protects each of these individual rights. “Fair use” is a legal defense that applies in all countries.
Quetion 50: Uploading a video of myself recording my favorite cover song does not require the permission of the copyright holder.
Quetion 51: Giving credit to the creator in your video’s description is enough to prevent copyright
infringement from occurring.
Quetion 52: As long as I have purchased the content in Question, it is not possible for me to infringe copyright by uploading it to YouTube.
Quetion 53: If content is available on the Internet, it is in the public domain and therefore okays to upload to YouTube.
Quetion 54: If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.
Quetion 55: It’s possible for music to have more than one copyright owner.
Answers: True
Quetion 56: If a video gets removed because of a copyright infringement notification, filing a counter-notification is the only possible way to restore the video.
Answers: (False)
Quetion 57: You should ask YouTube for permission to use other users’ content from the site.
Answers: (True)
Quetion 58: Creating 100% original new content for YouTube will help to protect you against claims of copyright infringement.
Answers: (False)
Quetion 59: Deleting a video that was removed for copyright will get rid of the associated copyright strike.
Answers: (False)
Quetion 60: It is impossible for a remix or mash up to infringe copyright.
Answers: (False)
Quetion 61: If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.
Answers: (False)
Quetion 62: Anyone can issue a copyright claim on behalf of someone else.
Answer: (False)
Quetion 63: Copyright infringement can result in:
Answer: D
Quetion 64: As long as you have modified the original content in some way, such as in a remix, it is always a fair use of copyrighted material and you cannot be subject to claims of copyright infringement.
Answer: (False)
Quetion 65: Copyright infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is _______ without the permission of the copyright owner:
Answer: E
Quetion 66: Copyright protects each of these individual rights. “Fair use” is a legal defense that applies in all countries.
Answer: (False)
Quetion 67: Uploading a video of myself recording my favorite cover song does not require the permission of the copyright holder.
Answer: (False)
Quetion 68: Giving credit to the creator in your video’s description is enough to prevent copyright infringement from occurring.
Answer: (False)
Quetion 69: As long as I have purchased the content in Question, it is not possible for me to infringe copyright by uploading it to YouTube.
Answers: (False)
Quetion 70: Its fine to use someone else’s content as long as it already appears on YouTube.
Answers: (False)
Quetion 71: Fair use” is a legal defense that applies in all countries.
Answers: (False)
Quetion 72: The following items are NOT protected by copyright:
Answers: People
Quetion 73: If content is available on the Internet, it is in the public domain and therefore okays to upload to YouTube.
Answers: (False)
Quetion 74: If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.
Answers: (False)
Quetion 75: If the original creator of the copyrighted work has died, the work is no longer protected by copyright.
Answers: (False)
Quetion 76: If you are found to be a repeat infringer, you could lose your YouTube account.
Answers: (True)
Quetion 77: If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.
Answers: (False)
Quetion 78: Anyone can issue a copyright claim on behalf of someone else.
Answers: (False)
Quetion 79: Copyright infringement can result in:
Answers: D
Quetion 80: As long as you have modified the original content in some way, such as in a remix, it is always a fair use of copyrighted material and you cannot be subject to claims of copyright infringement.
Answers: (False)
Quetion 81: In order to determine whether specific copyrighted content is authorized to be used on YouTube, you should upload it to your account and wait for the Content ID system to block any unauthorized content.
Answers: (False)
Quetion 82: Copyright infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is _______ without the permission of the copyright owner:
Answers: All of the above
Quetion 83: If I intentionally file a false notice of alleged copyright infringement against a YouTube video (just for fun, or to cause trouble), I could be found liable for any damages caused.
Answers: (True)
Quetion 84: Creating 100% original new content for YouTube will help to protect you against claims of copyright infringement.
Answers: (True)
Quetion 85: Copyright protects each of these individual rights. ”Fair use” is a legal defense that applies in all countries.
Answers: (False)
Quetion 86: Uploading a video of myself recording my favorite cover song does not require the permission of the copyright holder.
Answers: (False)
Quetion 87: Giving credit to the creator in your video’s description is enough to prevent copyright infringement from occurring.
Answers: (False)
Quetion 88: Copyright infringement is a serious offense and violation of the law may have significant consequences.
Answers: (True)
Quetion 89: Its fine to use someone else’s content as long as it already appears on YouTube.
Answers: (False)
Quetion 90: If I intentionally file a false notice of alleged copyright infringement against a YouTube video (just for fun, or to cause trouble), I could be found liable for any damages caused.
Answers: (True)
Quetion 91: The following things are copyrightable: names, places, faces and spaces.
Answers: (False)
Quetion 92: Copyright infringement is a serious offense and violation of the law may have significant consequences.
Answers: (True)
Quetion 93: Content that was once allowed by a content owner may be subsequently removed from YouTube.
Answers: (True)
Quetion 94: The following item(s) may be protected by copyright:
Answers: All of the above
Quetion 95: It is okay to upload an entire cartoon episode without the authorization of the copyright owner as long as I’m just sharing it with my friends, family and fans.
Answers: (False)
Quetion 96: If someone alleges that you have infringed their copyright and you are certain that this is not the case, you may:
Answers: File a counter-notification
Quetion 97: Copyright protection is only given to major film, television or recording corporations who pay for the privilege.
Answers: (False)
Quetion 98: You should ask YouTube for permission to use other users’ content from the site.
Answers: (False)
Quetion 99: You should ask YouTube for permission to use other users’ content from the site.
Answer: (False)
Quetion 100: Content that was once allowed by a content owner may be subsequently removed from YouTube.
Answer: (True)
Quetion 101: The following item is protected by copyright:
Answer: Your original YouTube video
Quetion 102: The following items are NOT protected by copyright:
Answer: People
Quetion 103: If I intentionally file a false notice of alleged copyright infringement against a YouTube video (just for fun, or to cause trouble), I could be found liable for any damages caused.
Answer: (True)
Quetion 104: If a video gets removed because of a copyright infringement notification, filing a counter-notification is the only possible way to restore the video.
Answer: (False)
Quetion 105: If content is available on the Internet, it is in the public domain and therefore okay to upload to YouTube.
Answer: (False)
Quetion 106: As long as I have purchased the content in Question, it is not possible for me to infringe copyright by uploading it to YouTube.
Answer: (False)
Quetion 107: As long as I have purchased the content in Question, it is not possible for me to infringe copyright by uploading it to YouTube.
Answer: (False)
Quetion 108: It’s fine to use someone else’s content as long as it already appears on YouTube.
Answer: (False)
Quetion 109: It’s fine to use someone else’s content as long as it already appears on YouTube.
Answer: (False)
Quetion 110: “Fair use” is a legal defense that applies in all countries.
Answer: (False)
Answer: (False)
Quetion 111: The following items are NOT protected by copyright:
Answer: B
Quetion 112: The following things are copyrightable: names, places, faces and spaces.
Answers: (False)
Quetion 113: The following item is protected by copyright:
Answers: Your original YouTube video
Quetion 114: If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.
Answers: (False)
Quetion 115: All uses of copyrighted content without permission of the owner are considered copyright infringement.
Answers: (False)
Quetion 116: If someone alleges that you have infringed their copyright, you will receive a notification:
Answers: Both A & B
Quetion 117: If you misuse YouTube’s counter-notification process:
Answers: Your YouTube account will be terminated
Quetion 118: Its fine to use someone else’s content as long as it already appears on YouTube.
Answers: (False)
Quetion 119: If content is available on the Internet, it is in the public domain and therefore okay to upload to YouTube.
Answer: (False)
Quetion 120: If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.
Answer: (False)
Quetion 121: If the original creator of the copyrighted work has died, the work is no longer protected by copyright.
Answer: (False)
Quetion 122: If you are found to be a repeat infringer, you could lose your YouTube account.
Answer: (True)
Quetion 123: Copyright infringement is a serious offense and violation of the law may have significant consequences.
Answer: (True)
Quetion 124: It’s fine to use someone else’s content as long as it already appears on YouTube.
Answer: (False)
Quetion 125: In order to determine whether specific copyrighted content is authorized to be used on YouTube, you should upload it to your account and wait for the Content ID system to block any unauthorized content.
Answer: (False)
Quetion 126: The following things are copyrightable: names, places, faces and spaces.
Answer: (False)
Answer: (False)
Quetion 127: The Following Item are NOT Protected by Copyright.?
Answer: People.
Quetion 128: People are not protected by Copyright.?
Answer: Sorry.
Quetion 129: you Should ask YouTube for permission to use other users content from the site.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 130: Content that was once allowed by a content owner may be subsequently removed from YouTube.
Answer: (True).
Quetion 131: The Following item is protected by copyright.?
Answer: Your Original YouTube Video.
Quetion 132: If I intentionally file a false notice of alleged copyright infringement against a YouTube video Just for fun, or to cause trouble I could be found liable for any damages caused.?
Answer: (True).
Quetion 133: It is impossible for a remix or mashup to infringe copyright.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 134: If a video gets removed because of a copyright infringement notification, filing a counter notification is the only possible way to restore the video.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 135: If content is available on the Internet does not mean that it is in the public domain and therefore okay to upload to YouTube.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 136: As long as I have purchased the content in Question, it is not possible for me to infringe copyright by uploading it to YouTube.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 137: Deleting a video that was removed for copyright will get rid of the associated copyright strike.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 138: It is impossible for a remix or mashup to infringe copyright.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 139: If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 140: As long as i have purchased the content in Question, it is not possible for me to infringe copyright by uploading it to YouTube.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 141: It’s fine to use someone else’s content as long as it it already appears on YouTube.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 142: The Following items are NOT protected by copyright.?
Answer: B.
Quetion 143: “Fiar Use” is a legal defense that applies in all counties.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 144: If content is available on the Internet, it is in the public domain and therefore okay to upload to YouTube.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 145: If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 146: If the original creator of the copyrighted work has died, the work is no longer protected by copyright.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 147: If you are found to be a repeat infringe, you could lose your YouTube Account.?
Answer: (True).
Quetion 148: If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 149: Anyone can issue a copyright claim on behalf of someone else.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 150: Copyright infringement can result in.?
Answer: D
Quetion 151: As long as you have modified the original content in some way, such as in a remix, it is always a fair use of copyrighted material and cannot be subject to claims of copyright infringement.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 152: Copyright infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is without the permission of the copyright owner.?
Answer: E.
Quetion 153: Copyright protects each of these individual right. “Fair Use” is a legal defense that applies in all countries.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 154: Uploading a video of myself recording my favorite cover song does not required the permission of the copyright holder.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 155: Giving credit to the creator in your video’s description is enough to prevent copyright infringement from occurring.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 156: Copyright infringement is a serious offense and violation of the law may have significant consequences.?
Answer: (True).
Quetion 157: It’s fine to use someone else’s content as long as it already appears on YouTube.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 158: In order to determine whether specific copyrighted content is authorized to be used on YouTube you should upload it to your account and wait for the Content ID system to block any unauthorized content.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 159: The following things are copyright able: Names, Places, Faces and Spaces.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 160: The Following things are copyright able: Name , Places, faces and spaces.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 161: If you claim fair use in the video description, your video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 162: All uses of copyright content without permission of the owner are considered copyright infringement.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 163: If someone alleges that you have infringed their copyright, you will receive a notification.?
Answer: Both A and B.
Quetion 164: Its fine to use someone else’s content as long as it already appears on YouTube.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 165: It’s Possible for music to have more than one copyright owner.?
Answer: (True).
Quetion 166: If a video gets removed because of a copyright infringement notification, filing a counter notification is the only possible way restore the video.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 167: You should ask YouTube for permission to use other user’s content from the site.?
Answer: True.
Quetion 168: Creating 100% original new content YouTube will help to protect you against claims of copyright infringement.?
Answer: (True).
Quetion 169: Deleting a video that was removed for copyright will get rid of the associated copyright strike.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 170: It is impossible for a remix or mash up to infringe copyright.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 171: If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 172: As long as I have purchased the content in Question, it is not possible for me to infringe copyright by uploading it to YouTube.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 173: Fair use is a legal defense that applies in all countries.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 174: Its fine to use someone else’s content as long as if already appears on YouTube.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 175: The Following items are NOT Protected by Copyright.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 176: If content is available on the Internet, it is in the public domain and therefore okays to YouTube.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 177: If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.?
Answer. (False).
Quetion 178: If the original creator of the copyrighted work has died,the work is no longer protected by copyright.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 179: If you are found to be a repeat infringe, you could lose your YouTube account.?
Answer: (True).
Quetion 180: If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 181: Anyone can issue a copyright claim on behalf of someone else.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 182: Copyright infringement can result in:?
Answer; D.
Quetion 183: As long as you have modified the original content in some way such as in a remix it is always a fair use of copyrighted materiel and you cannot be subject to claim of copyright infringement.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 184: In order to determine whether specific copyrighted content is authorized to be used on YouTube you should upload it to your account and wait for the content ID system to block any unauthorized content.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 185: Copyright infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is without the permission of the copyright owner.?
Answer: All of the above.
Quetion 186: If intentionally file a false notice of alleged copyright infringement against a YouTube video just for fun, or cause trouble I could be found liable for any damages caused.?
Answer: (True).
Quetion 187: Creating 100% original new content for YouTube will help to protect you against claims of copyright infringement.?
Answer: (True).
Quetion 188: Copyright protects each of these individual rights. Fair use is a legal defense that applies in all countries.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 189: Uploading a video of myself recording my favorite cover song does not require the permission of the copyright holder.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 190: Giving credit to the creator in your videos description is enough to prevent copyright infringement from occurring.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 191: Copyright infringement is a serious offense and violation of the law may have significant consequences.?
Answer: (True).
Quetion 192: Its fine to use someone else’s content as long as it already appears on YouTube.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 193: If i intentionally file a false notice of alleged copyright infringement against a YouTube video just for fun or the cause trouble i could be found liable for any damages caused.?
Answer: (True).
Quetion 194: The following things are copyright able name, places, faces and spaces,?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 195: Copyright infringement is a serious offense and violation of the law may have significant consequences.?
Answer: (True).
Quetion 196: Content that was once allowed by a content owner may be subsequently removed from YouTube.?
Answer: (True)
Quetion 197: The following item may be protected by copyright.?
Answer: All of the Above.
Quetion 198: It is okay to upload an entire cartoon episode without the authorization of the copyright owner as long as I am just sharing it with my friends family and fans.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 199: If Someone alleges that you have infringed their copyright and you are certain that this is not the case, you may.?
Answer: File a counter notification.
Quetion 200: Copyright protection is only given to major film television or recording corporations who pay for the privilege.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 201: You should ask YouTube for permission to use other users content from the site.?
Answer: (False).
Quetion 102: If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.
Answer: (False)
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