Google Data Studio ASSIGNMENT Question Answer , Google Data Studio ASSIGNMENT Question , Google Data Studio ASSIGNMENT Answer , Google Data Studio , Google Data Studio ASSIGNMENT
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Google Data Studio |
1. What are the benefits of using Data Studio?
(select three)
Allows you to visualize your own data
Free of charge
Accessible on web-connected devices
Access to additional attribution models
2. Which are examples of data sets?
(select two)
Google-generated data, such as Google Analytics or Google Sheets
A data source based on a CSV file
Metrics and dimensions typed directly into Data Studio
Amazon sales data
3. Once you’ve connected your data in Data Studio, how often do you need to manually provide your data set credentials again?
Every time you load the report
Only if you’ve revoked access
4. Which types of components can be included in a report?
(select three)
5. Which term refers to the underlying data that can be connected to Data Studio?
Data set
Data source
Data control
Data connection
6. Which access permission would you provide to a coworker to collaborate with them on a report?
Can view report
Can edit report
Can view data source
Can edit data sources
7. To share your report via a public link and allow all viewers to see chart data, which data source setting would you choose?
Invite user to view
Invite user to edit
Use owner’s credentials
Use viewer’s credentials
8. What is the order in which data flows into Data Studio charts?
Data set → data source → report → chart
Data source → data set → report → chart
Component → data source → report → chart
Data set → report → data source → chart
9. If you upload data from a CSV file to create a data set in Google Cloud, how can you update that data set in the future?
Upload a CSV file with only the new rows of data
Upload a CSV file with all the original data and additional data
Click the refresh fields icon in the data source to automatically upload changes from the file on your computer
Manually edit the data in the Data Studio report
10. Which feature helps you create a new report quickly?
Owner’s credentials
Edit access
1. Which actions can you take on the Data Studio Home page?
(select three)
Create a new report
Share a report with others
Edit data source fields
Connect to data
2. Which is the best tool to quickly visualize data that answers a specific question without saving or sharing it?
Data source
Report Gallery
3. What can you do with the Explorer tool?
Invite others to view or edit your explorations
Export an exploration as a chart into a new or existing report
Toggle between view and edit modes
Automatically save all changes to explorations
4. What can you do with calculated fields?
Create a metric or dimension using a mathematical formula
Change an existing field’s aggregation
Transform tables into pie charts
Disable fields from the data source
5. What can an individual viewing a report do?
(select three)
Hover over charts to see specific data point information
Filter data
Select a date range
Make a page-level component report-level
6. What is the benefit of using the Theme tab?
The ability to adjust a report’s canvas size, grid settings, and page navigation position
The ability to set consistent font and color selections for all components
The ability to use templates for quick report building
The ability to enable field editing in reports
7. Which components must get their data from a data source?
(select two)
Bar charts
Embedded content
8. In which ways can you change an existing field?
(select three)
Display the count of unique field values
Change the format of a date field
Display the output of a custom mathematical formula using the field
Change the name
9. What must the data source owner do to allow report editors to modify data fields?
Enable field editing in reports
Use owner’s credentials
Give edit access to the data source
Prevent editors from changing access and adding new people
10. Which setting makes your report larger?
Style tab
Canvas size
Report theme
Grid settings
1. What is the purpose of extracting data?
Create robust data sources with over 100MB of data
Maintain a live connection between your data set and data source
Use connectors not available through Google or partners
Use a subset of your original data for faster report performance
2. What does the “refresh fields” button in the data source do?
Update stale data in your report’s charts
Reflect changes made to the data set’s schema
Save changes you make to the data source fields
Saves updates made to data source field names
3. What is unique about a report-level component, compared to a page-level component?
Report-level components appear in the same position on each page
Report-level components are the default component type
Report-level components can reference multiple data sources at once
Report-level components have interactive properties for viewers to filter data
4. What is one benefit of using blended data?
The ability to combine data from different time periods in one chart
The ability to visualize data from multiple data sources in one chart
The ability to join multiple data sources without any common dimensions
The ability to share combined data sources between reports
5. What does a filter control allow viewers to do?
Select a different data source to visualize
Filter report data based on one or more dimension values
Change the date range of a report
Import their own data into your report template
6. What do the Theme tab settings affect?
All reports in your account
All components in the open report
All components in the open page
The selected component only
7. What can a single filter control affect?
(select three)
Groups of components
Multiple dimensions
8. What is required for a single chart to reference data from two different data sources?
Attach both data sources to the report
Select the appropriate dimensions from the chart data tab
Create a blended data source
Add a data control to the report
9. Which sharing option always requires recipients to log in with their Google account?
Shareable link
Invitation to edit
PDF download
Viewer’s credentials
10. What is the purpose of creating a thumbnail image of your report?
Invite others to view your report's first page and hover for more detail
Give users with view or edit access a preview of your report before opening
Allow users to quickly download a non-interactive copy of your report
Download a full-size PDF for offline viewing
1. Which reflects a best practice for designing your report?
Use only one report per page, including much text annotation to summarize findings
Use the first page as a high-level overview, and add additional pages as needed for more detail
Use contrasting colors for each different chart
Use pie charts to compare 10+ segments of a whole
2. How can you use any Data Studio report as a template?
Copy the report as new and select your data source(s)
Copy the data source and select your data set(s)
Use templates available on the Data Studio Home page
Ask the report owner to enable viewer’s credentials
3. What is the purpose of a bullet chart?
Show the total for a single metric
See how well a metric is performing against a target
Identify a correlation between data points
Highlight a single, critical metric
4. What is the purpose of templates?
Quickstart data source creation
Quickstart report creation
Offer design tips based on connector
Extract data for improved report load time
5. What is the purpose of a scatter plot?
Observe trends over time
Track performance against a target
Identify a relationship between variables
Compare multiple parts of a whole
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